6hrs Adventures Into the Lokobe reserve Primary rainforest

Idioma Inglés, Francés
Costo 55 USD por la excursión
Número de participantes Cualquier número de personas
Duración 6 horas

The Lokobe reserve forest, protects most of Nosy Be’s remaining endemic vegetation. It is a primary forest which presents fantastic fauna and flora (lemurs, smallest frogs, lizards, Boa, smallest chameleons, birds).

To get there: by car and transfer by paddling outrigger canoe or by motor outrigger canoe.

Because of the mangrove mud, forest and hiking, take with you mosquito killer (insect spray), hat, sun cream it may be warm in the forest, and walking shoes.

The excursion at Lokobe reserve is a nice destination for nature lovers.


Departure at 09:00 am return by 2:00 pm

Meeting at the cruise ship port of Nosy Be,

09:00 am, Transfer by car and by canoe to Lokobe reserve, the crossing will take 1 hours

10:00 am, walking, visit the park to see the wildlife, about 2 hours

12:00 pm, Picnic lunch if you have time

14:00 pm, Back to Nosy be by canoe and by car to cruise ship port

Transfer to Nosy Be cruise ship

Includes: car for the transfer, canoe, taxes, local guide, tour guide, a large bottle of water per person.


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