Amir Raeispour es un guía turístico privado local en Irán

My name is Amir. I was born in an old city with a rich cultural history named Yazd in 1982. I experienced living in many cities . I graduated in Industrial engineering B.S degree and IT for master degree, but as I was very interested in tourism activities, now I’m studying in Tourism Planning. I loved travelling by childhood years and after I started to travel on my own, I explored all over my country. The first idea that encourages me to be a guide is to introduce my country and its rich culture and history to eager tourists. It means that this job isn’t a business for me at first. You, as a tourist can be my friend and you can check on my help wherever and whenever you need.

just tell me what are your interested and i will make sure that you receive the best tour

Idiomas Inglés, Francés, Persa
Monedas Dólar estadounidense (USD), Euro (EUR), Rial iraní (IRR)

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