Ata Golzari es un guía turístico privado local en Irán
Master of tourism management from university.
Tour guide since 2018.
Photographer and film making student.
Specialist at Iran’s historical places.
Located in capital city (Tehran), however I could move to another cities as a tour package in case of your need.
I cand capture some portraits of you during our journey. My priority is that you feel safe and enjoy during your amazing journey. It only happens once…
Idiomas Azerbaijani, Inglés, Persa, Turco
Monedas Dólar estadounidense (USD), Euro (EUR), Dram armenio (AMD), Manat azerbaiyano (AZN), Yuan chino (CNY), Dólar de Hong Kong (HKD), Dinar iraquí (IQD), Dinar kuwaití (KWD), ...
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