Occult London

Langue Anglais, Russe, ukrainien
Coût 300 GBP pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 3 heures

The first occult tour in London. A tour which should not be taken.


-Explore where secret societies still hold their discreet meetings,

-Discover what influence Ancient Egyptian culture had over Victorian Britain

-Get frightened of the dark Temple of the Occult

-Discover where Victorian magicians did their initiations

Secret societies have existed in human society for thousands of years. Are the freemasons really running the world? Do they all want to rule the world? Are they manipulating the media and brainwashing the populations? Tour is partly based on the Augustus Darcy research, who was a journalist, writer and investigator. In 1933 a mysterious secret society commissioned Augustus Darcy to compile a guide to occult London. After he had completed a guide to occult London for the private client he was murdered. Was he involved in the magical war? After 85 years of silence we shed light on the occult London history – the history which should not be discovered on a tour which should not be taken.


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