Elephanta Caves

Langue Anglais
Coût 140 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 4 heures

After an hour long boat ride to Elephanta Island from the Gateway of India, explore the magnificent caves. The outer caves were used as a place of Hindu worship until Portuguese rule was established. The caves further in are smaller and are Buddhist caves.

The main cave, otherwise known as the Shiva Cave, contains numerous carvings throughout depicting various aspects of Lord Shiva including his wedding, his slaying of Andhaka and more. There will also be a sculpture of the Trimurti in the main cave that is approximately 20 feet tall.

Other wings of the caves have shrines dedicated to Shiva’s sons, Kartikeya and Ganesh. Book and explore this UNESCO World Heritage site with a guide from Gharapuri, which is a small village on the south side of the island.


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