Unique Nomadic Golden Eagle Hunting Tour in Kyrgyzstan
Representing unique tours for guests of Kyrgyzstan the Golden Eagle and Falcon Hunting. Hunting for hunting wolves, foxes, cayotes, rabbit and others.
With all conditions for comfortable being, watching and trying the hunting of Nomads.
In the nomadic peoples of Central Asia, mostly Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Mongol, the golden eagle is used as a hunting bird for hunting fox-Korsakov, hares, wolves sometimes, saiga antelope and gazelles.
Hereditary hunters called eagle or kusbegi, learn the secrets of childhood and skill passed down from generation to generation.
Usually a beginner hunter first learns to control Sparrowhawk and Hobby, then he tries to tame the Goshawk, Saker falcon, peregrine falcon or merlin. Only then can a person trust the training of a larger, stronger and more dangerous eagle, always under the supervision of a more experienced mentor.
Berkut not hold on like a light weight falcon, eagle and seated in front of a horse. By projecting bending saddle pommel is attached to a special backup bar, which is put dressed in a thick leather glove and the long arm of the rider, and it sits on top of the bird. Put on eye leather cap with bells golden eagle gives the feeling of the night and not be distracted by the way, the leather straps and leash do not allow to take off ahead of time.
Signs game hunter with a disturbing cry weakens the ties that resets with eagle head and pushes up the cap. Soaring eagle with extraordinary rapidity attacks hunted animal, seizes his claws, beats its wings, beak hammer head, a bite or throat.
Jumping, Hunter persuades the bird let the beast, gently talking to him and rewarding piece of meat. Having prey eagle immediately takes away the skin, and a bird once again dons the cap over his eyes, pulls his feet fetters and puts her on the saddle.