Marina Velázquez est un guide-conférencier privé local en Argentine

Des endroits
  • English
  • Español

Hi guys I'm from Ushuaia, the closest gateway to Antarctica and the southernmost city of Argentina. I live in a city surrounded by the Andes mountain range. It is full of nature and historical places. If you come here, you can do outdoor activities such as hiking trails, horse riding, canoeing or kayaking, climbing, camping, fishing, and cycling, mostly in summertime. On the other hand, we have museums and cultural sites. Our specialty for foodies is king crab and lamb. So if you need information just send me a message. I'll be here waiting for you.

Hi there, my name is Marina but you can call me Maru or Mar. I was borned and raised in Ushuaia. I started studying english since I was 8 years old and from that moment I wanted to travel abroad to improve it. I got a bachelor degree in tourism in 2007 and 2 years later I got a Working Holiday Visa for New Zealand, so I spent 8 months there between 2011 and 2012.

My hometown has a lot of natural beauties to be shown. I suggest you to visit surroundings you won't regret it. Please contact me if you want more information. Cheers

Langues Espagnol, Anglais, Portugais
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Peso argentin (ARS), Euro (EUR)

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