Carlos Lara est un guide-conférencier privé local en Equateur

  • English
  • Español

Hi, I'm Carlos

I'm a tour guide, I live in Cuenca-Ecuador, im a license Tour Guide

Im specialized in Cuenca and south of Ecuador.

I do the following tours:

1. Cuenca City tour

2. Ingapirca Inca ruins tour

3. Gualaceo and Chordeleg indigenous Villages.

4. National Park Cajas

5. Girón Water falls and Yunguilla Valley

Birding tours:

1. Yunguilla Valley

2. Cajas National Park

I have been working as a tour guide more than 10 years already and I had amazing experiences and I made wonderful friends.

Hi, im Carlos Lara, im a license tour guide, I live in Cuenca-Ecuador.

I love natural and photography,

Langues Anglais, Français, Espagnol
Devises Dollar américain (USD)

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