Ashim Kumar Lamsal est un guide-conférencier privé local en Népal, Bouthan

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This is Ashim Kumar Lamsal, a government-approved guide. I am passionate about meeting the needs of trekkers, mountaineers, visitors, researchers, and tourists. With my company, Marvel Treks, I commit to providing quality service, including safety, hygiene, hospitality, and high-quality equipment. Exploring new sites in Nepal that could become a perfect destination for future generations has always been a pleasure for me.

Dies ist Ashim Kumar Lamsal, ein staatlich anerkannter Reiseführer. Ich bin leidenschaftlich darum bemüht, die Bedürfnisse von Wanderern, Bergsteigern, Besuchern, Forschern und Touristen zu erfüllen. Mit meinem Unternehmen Marvel Treks verpflichte ich mich, qualitativ hochwertigen Service anzubieten, einschließlich Sicherheit, Hygiene, Gastfreundschaft und hochwertiger Ausrüstung. Es war mir schon immer ein Vergnügen, neue Orte in Nepal zu erkunden, die für zukünftige Generationen ein perfektes Reiseziel werden könnten.

Voici Ashim Kumar Lamsal, un guide agréé par le gouvernement. Je suis passionné par la satisfaction des besoins des randonneurs, des alpinistes, des visiteurs, des chercheurs et des touristes. Avec mon entreprise, Marvel Treks, je m'engage à fournir un service de qualité, incluant la sécurité, l'hygiène, l'accueil et des équipements de haute qualité. Explorer de nouveaux sites au Népal qui pourraient devenir une destination idéale pour les générations futures a toujours été un plaisir pour moi.

Questo è Ashim Kumar Lamsal, una guida approvata dal governo. La mia passione è soddisfare le esigenze di escursionisti, alpinisti, visitatori, ricercatori e turisti. Con la mia azienda, Marvel Treks, mi impegno a fornire un servizio di qualità, inclusa sicurezza, igiene, ospitalità e attrezzature di alta qualità. Esplorare nuovi siti in Nepal che potrebbero diventare una destinazione perfetta per le generazioni future è sempre stato un piacere per me.

Este es Ashim Kumar Lamsal, un guía aprobado por el gobierno. Me apasiona satisfacer las necesidades de excursionistas, montañeros, visitantes, investigadores y turistas. Con mi empresa, Marvel Treks, me comprometo a brindar un servicio de calidad, que incluya seguridad, higiene, hospitalidad y equipos de alta calidad. Explorar nuevos sitios en Nepal que podrían convertirse en un destino perfecto para las generaciones futuras siempre ha sido un placer para mí.

Это Ашим Кумар Ламсал, гид, одобренный правительством. Я увлечен удовлетворением потребностей путешественников, альпинистов, посетителей, исследователей и туристов. Со своей компанией Marvel Treks я обязуюсь предоставлять качественные услуги, включая безопасность, гигиену, гостеприимство и высококачественное оборудование. Для меня всегда было удовольствием исследовать новые места в Непале, которые могли бы стать идеальным местом для будущих поколений.

Langues Bengali, Cantonais, Néerlandais, Anglais, Français, Allemand, Irish, Hindi, ...
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Excursions (231)

Avis du Touriste (12)

Chee Wai Tze
16 OCT 2022
I had a great experience Travelling with the group of Ashim teams. I will always choose marvel Trek as my travel partner...Thank you Ashim for all the good times while my visit to Mera peak. I will be back to Nepal soon
Limsi Unnbin
13 FÉV 2023
Taking Ashim on a tour of Kathmandu was an incredible pleasure. He is hilarious, nice, and kind. With little fuss at all, he showed me all the sights. I filled my stomach with some delectable delicacies as they provided some really wonderful facts about each one. I had a great time with him that day. I am eagerly anticipating his departure from Kathmandu tomorrow to watch the sunrise. I can affirm he is a very knowledgeable guide with plenty of experience. Regards, Ashim.
joyce chen
15 FÉV 2023
I had an excellent host in Ashim. He had a thorough understanding of Kathmandu's nightlife, clubs, and restaurants. He is so kind, relaxed, and polite that I hardly felt like a foreigner in this city. I thoroughly enjoyed my short trip and am looking forward to seeing him again in June of this year. Thank you for your kind assistance.
Keni Chione
17 FÉV 2023
I learned a lot on our hike and would certainly suggest Ashim as a superb hiking guide in the making History, culture, and food are just a few of the educational subjects he may bring up. which I discovered to be both delightful and eye-opening. Ashim, thank you.
Bishal rana
22 FÉV 2023
Our guide, "Ashim Lamsal," made the trip very easy for us and was very helpful and supportive. At times, I would be exhausted and I'd find him there to support me, and he's always smiling + the amount of experience he have is a-lot; he's like prepared for everything. I guess if it weren't for him, I wouldn't finish this.
Bonnie jamse
23 FÉV 2023
Ashim is one of Kathmandu's top tour guides. He is familiar with all the sights and things to do that the city has to offer.  He  gave me my first taste of the recognizable Nepalese bamboo hooka, which was a beautiful experience I won't soon forget. He would make a great Kathmandu city guide, in my opinion.
davis joss
09 NOV 2023
Embarking on a journey through Nepal with Marvel and our exceptional guide was an experience beyond compare. From the majestic Himalayan peaks to the vibrant local culture, every moment was expertly curated, making it an unforgettable adventure.

Their extensive knowledge of Nepal's history, geography, and cultural nuances added a profound layer to each destination we explored. What set kanchan apart was not just their expertise, but also their genuine warmth and passion for sharing the beauty of their homeland.

Marvel deserves accolades for the seamless organization and attention to detail. From accommodations that reflected the local charm to well-thought-out itineraries, every aspect of the tour demonstrated a commitment to excellence. The blend of adventure and cultural immersion was perfectly balanced, providing a comprehensive experience of Nepal's diverse offerings.

The personalized touch extended beyond the tour, with Kanchan going the extra mile to ensure everyone felt not just like tourists, but welcomed guests. Their recommendations for local eateries and hidden gems enriched our journey, creating cherished memories.

In the heart of the Himalayas, Marvel, Ashim and Kanchan. transformed a trip into a soul-stirring odyssey. If you seek an authentic, enriching, and seamlessly organized adventure in Nepal, look no further. This tour company and guide embody the spirit of Nepal, leaving you with memories to last a lifetime.
sudeep samad
08 AVR 2024
nicest man i met in nepal. he very friendly and help me a lot. we go to sightseeing kathmandu, pokara, chitwon, janakpur. very fuuny guy also. he aslo cook food he took me home to eat traditional nepali food
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