Soweto & Apartheid Museum Tour:

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1290 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Soweto & Apartheid Museum Tour:

Departure 08h00 to 15h00 : HAPPY METER

Be collected from your hotel where we will firstly proceed to Houghton where we will find the Nelson Mandela Foundation (Open only Mondays to Fridays) and see the great things that the Father of this nation has put in place to support the needy and under privileged.

From here we will we then head out to see a city within a City, Soweto. A place filled with the tragic past of the Apartheid era where we get to visit Freedom Square and then get to walk down Vilakazi street where both Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu lived on.

Time dependent we can visit the Hector Peterson Museum depicting the tragic accounts of the 1976 Soweto Riots where the youngest person Hector Peterson was killed.

From here we proceed to the Apartheid Museum where we will spend a few hours before being taken back to your hotel knowing that finally justice prevailed and there is freedom for all.

Pricing structure Per Party: 1 Person @ R2100: 2 to 4 Persons @ R1290: 5 to 12 Persons @ R1150


Dress code: Casual but comfortable



The tour will comprise of the following:

Shuttling to and from the Hotel.

Visit Nelson Mandela Foundation,

Apartheid Museum Tour.

Soweto tour, Hector Peterson Museum.

Cooler box with ice cold water.

Pictures will be taken during the tour and

put onto your mobile device.


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