Delft - Customized Private Tour

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 700 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Discover Delft on a 1, 5 hour walking tour of the city. Delft enjoys a worldwide reputation due to its connection with painter Johannes Vermeer, Delft Blue earthenware and the Royal House. Relive its glorious past as you wander along canals, churches, mansions and courtyards.

At a traditional, family run, Delft Blue earthenware factory, Delft Blue is still made and painted by hand. The same way as hundreds of years ago.

Customize your private Delfttour! There is time for 2 extra stops, before returning to Amsterdam.

Let me know what you like to see!

- Dairy farm, Gouda cheese & Clogs

- Windmills in Dutch country side

- Workshop 'paint your own Delft Blue tile'.

- Visit Delft museums: Prinsenhof, Vermeer Center

- Visit The Hague museums: Mauritshuis, Peace Palace, Panorama Mesdag

- Madurodam

- Half day visit Rotterdam

- or a personal request.

You'll be returned to your location in Amsterdam


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