Stefka Private Guide - местный частный тур гид в стране Нидерланды

You have found me! One-day or multi-day country side tours are my speciality. My car I offer for free. Get inspired by the tours I have placed online, or contact me to receive a personal customized tour.

The Netherlands are well known for the tulip, Delft blue pottery, cheese, clogs and windmill. But there is more! Explore the countryside and see Holland's rich history, visit interesting museums, experience traditional Dutch culture and polder landscape.

Go hiking, hop on a bike, take a boat ride and enjoy the Netherlands. You will have an unique experience.

A one day or multiple day tour, it's all possible. I love offering you a unique and personal experience, so you have great memories to take home with you!

Hope to see you soon!


P. S. Go on a private tour with me and you won't go to the same places the coach- group tours take you (like: Zaanse Schans, Volendam, Alkmaar cheese market). These places are commercial and crowded with tourists. I love to show you windmills, quaint villages or cheese places which are authentic and less visited.

Языки Голландский, Английский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

Экскурсии (4)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Stefanie Waaijer
02 ДЕК 2017
We visited Holland in April 2017, with a group of 4 grandparents and 2 kids. Stefka arranged a private car and we had a wonderful and memorable tour. She was right on time, very polite and knowledgeable. We toured Delft city and a local Delft Blue pottery, visited Keukenhof and also saw some flower fields and windmills, very picturesque and beautiful.
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