Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

This is the best tour to discover SINTRA, one of the most romantic villages in the world, just only 20 minutes from Lisbon, former summer residence of the Portuguese kings, classified as Unesco World Heritage since 1995, on our semi-private tour (small group tour, up 8 guest) or private tour. Guided visit to romantic Royal PENA PALACE (optional ticket), considered the MOST BEAUTIFUL CASTLE IN EUROPE in 2015 by EBD, built on the ruins of an old 16th century monastery, free time at the historical centre and stop for pictures on all locations.

Lunch will be had in a local restaurant that you can pick from my recommendations. Let me remind you though that this region is world-renowned for its seafood!

After lunch, the tour continues to the Westernmost Point of Europe (CABO DA ROCA). Down the hill, we will pass by Guincho Beach, on of the best beach near Lisbon, followed by a visit to CASCAIS fisherman village, with some free time to visit the village and the CASCAIS Bay.

The tour will end passing by ESTORIL, on the coast where the legend of 007-James Bond was born.


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