Luis Santos - местный частный тур гид в стране Португалия

If you are someone who enjoys a more local and less touristy approach and if you appreciate a guide who can educate you on the country and/or region (and this 900-year old country has "been there, done that" and therefore has A LOT to reveal) , who can give you good food/wine suggestions, and also take you discreetly and in comfort everywhere you would like to go both ON and OFF the beaten track, I am your man. Some time ago I discarded the traditional "organized tours" concept. I don't like tight schedules and itineraries, packed tourist cars and vans, waiting in huge lines at tourist attractions, going on auto-pilot in my interactions with my clients because. . well. . . "they're just another batch of easily forgettable and nameless faces like the ones the day before", stressing in traffic in order to stick to a rigid plan, and so on. I hate that when I am buying tours for myself abroad so I assumed that there were more people like me. And I was right. Those are the ones who I now work for. That includes you.

Having said all of the above rest assured that I am a fully licensed and insured guide and I provide a professional service.

Языки Английский, Португальский, Испанский
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