An Introduction to Lisbon and the Portuguese Culture Half Day Private Walking Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

On this fascinating private half day walking tour of Lisbon, you will see the city's highlights and unique attractions, with me, your personal guide providing insightful, entertaining commentary and conversation along the way. This is the perfect tour for those wanting a quick glimpse into this wonderful city!

My passion for the history and culture of Lisbon will help you experience the city like a local. We'll walk along the beautiful medieval cobblestone streets in the city's colourful neighbourhoods and taste some of its delicious local food. During this half day tour, we will visit some of the city's most remarkable sites including the Lisbon Cathedral, Praça da Figueira and ride on the Santa Justa Lift.

You'll finish your tour with a better understanding of Lisbon, its people, and the social, cultural and political forces that shaped it into the magnificent city it is today.

I can deliver the tour for more than 4 travelers. Please send me a message to get a quote.


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