The Best Of Ghana's Nature And Culture in 6 days

Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

See the best of Ghana, comprised of cultural as well as safari tour, as you explore its flora and fauna. discover the culture by visiting local carpentry shops and then go boating on

a lake.

DAY 01


Arrival and check into the hotel for relaxation (maybe a night out to Osu Oxford Street).

DAY 02

Accra city tour

Visit to historical landmarks, such as W. E. B. Dubois Center for Pan African Culture, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, Independence/Black Star Square, National Museum, and Osu (formerly Christiansborg) Castle- previous seat of the Ghanaian Presidency.

Go to Jamestown, Flagstaff House (official seat of the president), and Kane Kwesi Carpentry workshop.

DAY 03

Travel/ trip to cape coast/ elmina

Visit Cape Coast Castle & Elmina Castle.

Explore Kakum National Park.

Return to Accra.

DAY 04


Go boating on Volta Lake, Akosombo.

Visit Shai Forest Reserve.

DAY 05

Christmas day

Enjoy Christmas Day special treat in Ghana at Bojo beach resort or Labade beach resort.

Meet top dignitary of Ghana in the evening.

DAY 06


Spend the day shopping at the famous Mokola market as well as other markets.


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