agnes dede - местный частный тур гид в стране Гана

My name's Agnes Dede

I'm a tourist guide who works in Ghana and i have been on the job since 2015. In West Africa, and especially in Ghana, you need to be vast and knowledgeable about your communities and environment to be able to guide and show people around and which is what i love doing.

I graduated from university of Ghana with bachelors in geography and resource development, but my passion has always been history, travels/tours and art, not only theoretically but also practically.

My spoken English is excellent as it is the official language in my country Ghana.

In 2017 I worked professionally as guide with “Shai Hills Resource Reserve”.

In my job I love to transfer to my guest my love for the art, the history and the traditions of my country Ghana so that they can really feel it as a true Ghanaian feels it.

I learned the importance of customer service; something that is very essential in the course of this job .I'm looking forward to meeting you In Ghana and showing you around.

Языки Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (3)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

François Artusse
28 АПР 2020
I travelled with Agnes Dede early March 2020 and it was an amazing experience !

Dede has been the best to help me. I was travelling in Ghana to achieve a project as a photojournalist and Dede understood my needs and got me everywhere I wanted to go.

Very professional and charismatic to meet with local people for my photo project, she is one of a kind and I can only highly recommend her for your planned trip in Ghana ;)
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