East Serbia

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

In 3 days we will visit lots of springs,monasteres,etno villiges,lakes,caves etc. This part of Serbia is pure of nature and hisotory stores. We will visit Monastery Ravanica,Gornjak,Sisevac etc.Archeology places like Felix Romuliana. Springs Veliki Buk,Krupaja,Mlava etc..Cave Resava and many more interesting places.

All inclusive . (hotels,transport,breakfast,lunch,diner,tickets ....etc )


We advise that you carry a backpack due to poor transportation and walk through demanding terrains. Take clothes adequate for trekking and travelling, as well as warm clothes as we will stay on higher altitudes where the climate can change and where the weather can easily turn cold. Water and windproof jackets are highly recommended. We advise you take mount trekking shoes or the ones suitable for that. Besides, we highly recommend you provide travelling insurance

We are a team of people who love and cherish Serbian tradition, culture and our national heritage. The idea originated from journeys we had been going on for years throughout our country thus learning about its history, tradition and our cultural heritage. Our aim is to present real values and natural beauty of Serbia to both Serbian and people from all around the world. Explore the Serbian history and let us take you into the world of castles, legends, fairylike canyons and roman roads. You will meet generous Serbian hosts, eat homemade food, sleep in ethno villages and listen to the sounds of birds and wind


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