Moravian Serbia-Nature beauty and architecture

Язык Английский, португальский
Стоимость 170 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 12 часов


See a different part of Serbia filled with monasteries, spring, waterfall and panoramic view. Visit the Sveta Petka Monastery, Gornjak Monastery, Lisine Waterfall, Ravanica Monastery, and Lešće Monastery. Enjoy a delicious lunch at Krupa Spring. 


Paraćin Waterfalls, Springs & Monastery Tour

Departure from Belgrade at 8 o'clock in the morning. 

Arrive in Paraćin.

Go to the spring of the Grza River with the Serbian tour guide. 

Follow the path which leads to the Ravanica Monastery and monastery-castle Manasija.

Continue to the Lisine Waterfall, approx 20-25 high and one of the highest waterfall in Serbia.

Enjoy lunch organized at the Krupa Spring.

Visit the 14th-century Serbian Orthodox Gornjak Monastery.

   Return to Belgrade

minimum 3 person for tour


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