12 Day Namaqualand and West Coast Wild Flower Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 922 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 5 дней

The West Coast and Namaqualand region of South Africa is a kaleidoscope of color during the months August and September. Wildflowers bloom all over the region and is something not to be missed.

Higlights include:

Posberg Nature Reserve near Langebaan


Citrusdal with its Hot Spring

Paternoster - famous for fresh seafood

Vanrhynsdorp and Nieuwoudtville - quiver tree forest, the Loeriesfontein waterfall

Kamieskroon and Garies

Wine tasting at several wine cellars

Gifberg with its amazing views, rock foundations

Bird island

St Helena bay, Velddrif, Flamingoes , Seafood

Darling and Evita's Perron

A 2 night stay at a private Game Reserve.


All accommodation B & B

12 Dinners

Transport in Luxury minibus

Fuel, Driver/Guide and insurance.

Entrance fees where applicable

Game Drives, Full board.

Rates are quoted per person sharing for 10 pax.

Single supplement on request.

Tour price correct at time of publish, but may change pending the season and time of travelling, and size of pax.


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