Ezette Pool - местный частный тур гид в стране Южно-Африканская Республика

I am a registered South African Tourist Guide/Private Tour Operator/Consultant with 38 years experience in the hospitality and tourism industry,

I am an experienced international tour leader/manager, lived and travelled abroad and have managed a 4* guesthouse for 10years.

I am a friendly outgoing people's person and travel is my passion. As a proud South African, I enjoy showcasing my beautiful country to all visitors.

I specialize in private tours for solo travellers, small groups, families and senior citizens.

I love the outdoors, nature, wild life, cultural & adventure activities.

All tours are tailor-made to meet your requirements and walking the extra mile for my clients, is no problem.

Come and join me on an exclusive tour whether in the Western Cape, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, North West Province Garden Route, West Coast, Overberg, Klein &; Groot Karoo of South Africa.

You are also most welcome to join me on an international tour .

Looking forward to travel with you. My clients arrive as strangers and leave as friends forever.


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