Cooking Classes in Deraliye Ottoman Cuisine

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Cook your way through many authentic Ottoman recipes, all once prepared for the approval of the mighty Sultans.

The Turkish and Ottoman cuisine is considered to be one of the richest kitchens in the World. This is no wonder if one thinks about all the geography where the Turks lived and build an empire during their history. From the Danube and the Balkans to the Arabic Peninsula and the northern shores of Africa, different cultures and their tastes blend in with the Turkish and Ottoman heritage and built an inspiring cuisine.

So, let's meet for a half day course for an amazing journey through the Turkish culture and cuisine. We will prepare a 3 course menu, including classics of the historical Ottoman cuisine and favorites of the traditional Turkish home and enjoy our fresh prepared meals for lunch or dinner along with refreshing drinks and Turkish coffee.

The dates and names written underneath the different dishes refer to the historical written sources the recipes were taken from.

Traditional Turkısh Cooking Course


Stuffed Vine Leaves with Sour Cherries (1844 )


Imam Bayıldı - Aubergine stuffed with caramelized onions and fried in olive oil, served cold

Sailor’s Roll – Rolled pastry with cheese and peas served with honey

Main Course

Stuffed Quince - Oven-baked quince stuffed with minced lamb, veal, rice, pine nuts, and currants


Kavun Dolması / Stuffed Melon (15th Century)

Cored melon stuffed with mincemeat, baked with rice, herbs, almonds, currants and pistachio

For booking in advance 2 day before till 18.00 o'clock.

Minimum capacity 1 pax

Maxiumum capacity 12 pax

Every Day : 12: 00-14.00-16:00 - 18:00 - 20:00 O'clock

Meeting Point : Deraliye Ottoman Cuisine Restaurant Alemdar mahallesi Ticarethane sokak no 10 Sultanahmet Istanbul

Per person 120 Euro


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