North Mesopotamia Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 990 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Gaziantep one day (visiting old city, Coppersmith Bazaar and Zeugma Mosaic Museum which is one of the largest mosaic museums in the world)

Adıyaman one day (visiting Karakush Tumulus, Roman Cendere Bridge which is one of the oldest bridge, Sunset in Commagene Nemrut Anthiokos Tumulus)

2 days for Şanlıurfa ( visiting one of highlife of tour, Göbeklitepe which is the oldest humanity temple, Old City of Urfa, Abraham Lake and cave, Harran, Sanliurfa Archeology Museum, Halfeti Boat Tour, )

2 days for Mardin (visiting the old city, Great Mosque of Mardin, City Museum, Mor Behnam Church, Dayro d-Mor Hananyo Monastery which is was the residence of Syriac Orthodox patriarch from 1166 to 1923, Old Bazaar, Monumental buildings, Mor Gabriel Monastery which is the oldest surviving Syriac Orthodox Monastery in the World, Kasimiye Madrasah )

1 day for Diyarbakır ( Diyarbakir Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Landscape on UNESCO's World Heritage List, and depend on interest may add Hasankeyf, Malabadi Bridge or One of the first settlement of humanity, Çayönü Archeological Settlement, and Hilar Cave)

PS-1: Prices only for guiding. I can also assist for your transportation and hotels. Please feel free to ask whatever you need...

PS-2: Depends on your interest some visit can add or remove


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