3 Days Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Язык Английский
Стоимость 754 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

3 Days Queen Elizabeth Tour package offers you a wonderful package with lots of wildlife viewing, launch cruise and game drives as well as chimpanzee tracking.

During this 3-day trip in search of the wild gem, but you also get to see Uganda well. You can go on a safari in QENP, go deep into the Kalinzu wilderness to spot chimpanzees in their natural habitat and experience the atmosphere, smells, bustle and impressions of an African city; Kampala.

Highlights of this 3-day Queen Elizabeth NP tour:

• Safari in the park to see gem

• Boat ride on Kazinga channel

• Trip to Katwe salt mines

• Chimp trek in Kalinzu

Where and how you spend the night during this trip:

During this trip you will spend the night in simple, but comfortable and hygienic chalets and lodges . The accommodations can be compared to what we would call 2- or 3-star accommodations in most European countries. You share toilet and shower facilities during one night, while the other has en-suite bathrooms. On request i can send an overview of the accommodations per day.

The following is included in the travel sum:

Accommodation in simple, but comfortable and hygienic chalets and lodges, meals , transportation on site in a safari Van or a 4x4 jeep , guidance from registered guides, entrances to the national parks and excursions as described in the travel description.

The travel sum is exclusive:

Flights, purchases of a personal nature, snacks and alcohol, optional activities, souvenirs, tips, etc.

These activities are included in the travel sum:

• Chimpanzee trekking at Kalinzu

• Boat trip on Kazinga channel


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