kuala gandah elephant sanctuary

Язык Английский
Стоимость 550 MYR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

If you have a great love and passion for animals, then you’re probably fond of visiting zoos! For those heading to Malaysia soon, why not add Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary and Deerland Park to your itinerary? Join this tour via Klook and enjoy a hassle-free visit to these two locations plus a stop at an aboriginal settlement. You'll wander around Kuala Gandah, a conservation center formed by the government to help protect and preserve the Malaysian elephants. You’ll also explore the nearby Deerland Park. It is a small family-owned zoo that is home to several adorable animals including rabbits, peacocks, hedgehogs, and deer. For a bit of cultural experience, you’ll stop by an aboriginal settlement where the Orang Asli reside. Here, you can observe the indigenous group’s daily life, from hunting their food to relating with each other. Round trip hotel transportation, a friendly guide, and lunch are all included making it a stress-free day.


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