MUHAMMAD NAIM - местный частный тур гид в стране Малайзия

Hello guys!!!, my naim is MUHAMMAD NAIM you can just call me naim. A local Malay of Malaysia born and raised in city of history which is MALACCA and KUALA LUMPUR. I know my city well and excited to share a lot of stories and hitory about my country. Im a traveller myself, and as i love to have a new friend in foreign country, thats how i will treat all of my guests, Like a friend/ family and satisfied during my service

During the process, ill show u the best local food, some local words, and i also very good at taking beautiful pictures 📷

Driver Profile:

👉Graduated from Bachelor Degree of Tourism.

👉3 years experience of private and group tour guide.

👉GrabCar & Uber driver during my freetime ( excellent in road mapping )

👉Speak Fluent English, malay and cambodian

👉9 years of Driving experience.

👉Able to guide you through the city of Kuala Lumpur, the tourist attraction.

👉Willing to travel out from the city to other states. ( Malacca, Penang, Langkawi, Genting Highland, Cameron Highland, Perak, Pahang etc )

Car Specification:

👉Brand new 1.3 cc local made Perodua axia, a perfect sedan for 1-4 people with 503 littre of boot

👉oh if you do worried about you have a big amount of family dont worry i do have a bigger vehicles. 😊

Contact me for further details

Языки Английский, малайский
Валюты Малайзийский ринггит (MYR), Доллар США (USD)

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