Mount Kilimanjaro Day Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 396 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 9 часов


You certainly can’t climb Kilimanjaro in a day, but our day tour to this iconic, snow-capped mountain will give you an excellent taster of why Africa’s highest peak is so popular. During the course of the day, we will follow the popular Marangu Route and walk as far as the first hut – the Mandara – where our picnic lunch will be taken. As other trekkers continue upwards, bound for the summit, we will make the descent again and return to Arusha.


Your day tour begins with your hotel pickup at 07:00hrs Drive to the Marangu Gate where you will register at the gate with the Kilimanjaro National Park authorities, and begin hiking at around 11.00hrs.

The Marangu Route, which we follow today, approaches Kilimanjaro from the southeast. We will be attempting to reach the Mandara Hut and will only trek through the lower altitudes, taking our picnic lunch on the way to the Mandara Hut. Once we reach the hut at 14:00hrs, we will stop for a rest for 30 mins and then descend slowly back to Marangu Gate for 2.5 hours.

An Alaitol Safaris vehicle will be waiting to pick you up and return you to your hotel in Arusha, arriving at 20:00hrs.

What's included?

Pickup services

Transport to and from attraction

Parking Fees

Professional mountain guide


Bottled water



Items of a personal nature


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