Abel Kimani - местный частный тур гид в стране Танзания

I am an experienced and Licensed Tanzania Tour Guide whose tours are vibrant and energizing.

I am educated in Tanzania, born and raised in a Maasai village on the slopes of volcanic Mount Meru in Arusha, Tanzania: Therefore I can give you the Maasai story for those who wish!!!

I will show you not only the best of the best Tanzania has to offer, but also the authentic Tanzania, the magical country waiting to share with you its best secrets and its biggest adventures.

Everyone ought to be in this country at least once in their lifetime and if so, see it with me showing you the famous parks for example Serengeti national parks, city, sites as well as off the beaten track and where to sleep, eat, shop, and find great experience . . . What you save with my insights will more than pay for the expense of having me as your guide!

I am experienced in coordinating Family Groups, Business Groups, School Groups and more. I can organize your transportation in conjunction with my expert guiding services.

I deeply enjoy being with people and desire that every single guest know that they are respected and valued. From the moment you make your first enquiry, until the moment you say farewell, you'll feel the warm welcome I want to extend to you. My goal is that my guests leave feeling energized after their time in Tanzania.

Contact me today to truly have the very best Tanzania Experience possible! I promise you!

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