Materuni Village and Waterfall Day Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 160 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов


Get a glimpse into the way local Tanzanians live with this day trip to the quaint village of Materuni. Far away from the hustle and bustle of Tanzania’s tourist trail, you’ll sample locally grown produce and enjoy a dip in a deliciously cool waterfall pool. It’s a perfect day trip from Arusha or Moshi.



You’ll set off after breakfast and make your way to the village of Materuni in the Kilimanjaro foothills. A truly local village without the usual tourist trappings, it’s a great window into the real Tanzania.

You’ll start with a tour of a local coffee plantation, learning about how coffee is grown and even trying your hand at roasting and grinding your own coffee.

You’ll then take a guided walk to Materuni Waterfall. Your walk takes you through local fruit and vegetable plantations, and your guide will teach you about the local culture along the way.

Finish your day trip with a refreshing dip in the waterfall pool and a delicious picnic lunch before heading back to your hotel.

What's included?

Transfer to / from the coffee plantations from Arusha/Moshi town.

Entry tickets.

Guide service.

Sightseeing tour of the coffee plantations.


Soft drinks and water.


Tips for the guide.

Alcoholic beverages.


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