Shooping Experience

Язык арабский, Английский
Стоимость 25 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

This shopping experience in Marrakech goes far beyond a stroll in a mall or a time spent browsing a market. Shopping in Marrakech is an activity that runs jointly with authentic daily life, while also getting flavors of the local culture and traditions.

Join me on this 3 hours tour to explore a hidden district of Marrakech made up of artisans, artists, vendors and craftspeople. Marrakech - for centuries – has been considered a traditional commercial center, where you will not be short of interesting local encounters. On this tour, you will be immersed in mesmerizing sights, smells and lights. Discover open markets dedicated to souvenirs shop and elegant galleries for antiques and carpets, each come with a story of their own. The tour also includes backstreets, populated by workshops and hidden shops known only to locals.

The tour accommodates all kinds of shopping tastes and is customizable to suit individual preferences and budgets.

The experience ends where it starts, on Jamaa Elfna Square, an open-air theatre where you can continue strolling and enjoy a delicious meal, coffee or even a freshly squeezed orange juice at one of the picturesque lined juice stalls.


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