jalil Sakyoud - местный частный тур гид в стране Марокко

Hello! My name is Jalil, I come from a multicultural background and speak Arabic, Berber, French, and English. I love my job as a licensed English speaking guide offering tours all over my country but mainly in my hometown Marrakech where I was born, studied and spent all my life. I really enjoy helping people get the best out of their trips in Marrakech, which I believe to be one of the best cities in the world. Such a wonderful city has always so much to explore. I have more than 13 years of passionate experience as a guide, leading all kinds of local experiences and walking tours together with side day- excursions. I work hard to get my guests immersed in my Moroccan rich culture giving them full insight into the history of the city, traditions of the Moroccan people and making them taste delicious food and feel Moroccan hospitality. I also love meeting new people and different cultures.

I can take you wherever you want or I can recommend you some schedules to discover less frequented trails and invisible hidden sides of this medieval city. I am an excited and energetic tour guide with a greedy appetite for everything to do with the buzzing medina (historical part). I meticulously organize cultural, historical, shopping and photography tours. Being interested in photography, we can walk through the medina and take some incredible photos.

For a unique experience, drop me a line and I will create a tailor-made tour for you, according to your very own wishes and interests.

Whether you alone on the trip or in a group, with small or grown-up children or would need a wheelchair, I will create a program suitable for you and provide an unforgettable experience!

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