Cherry Blossoms in Hunza 2022 - 15 Mar -15 May

Язык Английский, Urdu
Стоимость 1050 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Pakistan is famously known for 4 season yearly. Tourists from Worldwide travel to Pakistan to see blossoms ( espacially Cherry) to witness the beauty of blooms with the views of 7000m high peaks in surroundings of Hunza Valley. Although the whole region of Gilgit Baltistan is worth visiting throughout the year but mostly travelers prefer Hunza to witness the beauty of Sakura ( Blossoms).


Day 01-

Pickup from Islamabad International Airport

Transfer to Hotel

Overnight stay at Islamabad

Day 02-

Flight to Gilgit from Islamabad (A)

Take 45 mins from Islamabad International Airport to Gilgit

From Airport will go to visit Kargha Buddha (Archeological Site)

Drive to Minapin Valley (99kms) via Karakorum Highway.

Visit View Point of Old Silk Route

Visit View Point of Rakaposhi Peak (7788m)

Overnight stay at Minapin

In Case of Flight Cancellation

Islamabad- Chilas (B)

After breakfast early in the morning, will move towards Chilas

Drive on Motorway to Islamabad

Lunch at Islamabad / Rawalpindi Food Street

Drive to Besham on Karakorum Highway

Overnight stay at Chilas

Day 03-

Minapin to Hunza Valley

Visit Minapin Valley, wonder around the village and move to Central Hunza Valley.

In Case of Flight Cancellation

Chilas-Minapin Hunza Valley (B)

After breakfast will move towards Nagar Valley

Drive on Karakorum Highway

Lunch at Chilas

Sightseeing’s in the way will be:

• Junction of 3 World’s Highest Mountain Ranges

• Nanga Parbat Peak (8126m) View Point

Overnight stay at Minapin

Day 04-

Drive to Hooper Valley, Nagar

• Trek to Hooper Glacier

• Explore the beauty of Hooper Valley

For lunch get back to Hunza

After lunch visit

• Ganish Village (1000 years old settlement)

• Baltit Fort

• Altit Fort

Drive up to Dukair –Sun set/ rise point in Hunza

After witnessing the beauty of sun set

Overnight stay at Karimabad

Day 05-

Drive to Upper Hunza Valley

Continue driving on Karakorum Highway

Attractions to be visited:

• Visit Attabad Lake and Tunnel –Boating

• Visit Passu Cones and Passu Village

• Viewpoints of Passu and Batura Glacier

• Gulmit and Khyber Villages, Sost Bazar, Dry Port

• Hussaini Suspension Bridge

• Pakistan-China Border (Khunjarab Pass) – World’s highest Mountain pass

Back to Attabad for Overnight stay

Day 06-

Drive to Gilgit City

After breakfast at Hotel, morning shoot around the village and drive to Gilgit City. Visit Kargha Buddha In Gilgit City and Overnight stay there to catch the flight next day to Islamabad

Day 07-

Fly to Islamabad from Gilgit

In Case of Flight Cancellation

Drive from Upper Hunza to Besham

Overnight at Besham

Day 08-

City Tour of Islamabad / Rawalpindi

Visit Faisal Mosque and Pakistan Monument. Explore the city of Rawalpindi after lunch.

Farewell dinner at Monal in Margallah Hills

After Dinner Drop Off at Airport

End of our Services

In Case of Flight Cancellation

Besham to Islamabad

After breakfast early in the morning, will move towards Islamabad via Swat Shangallah. Reach Islamabad at evening for overnight stay.


- Transport + Fuel

- Airport Transfers

- Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner

- Invitation Letter for Visa Support

- Licensed and Experienced Guide

- Any thing except the mentions above will be excluded.


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