Saleem Ashraf - местный частный тур гид в странах Пакистан, Непал

Greetings, I am Saleem Abbas from Hunza Valley, Northern Areas of Pakistan. Your future guide and tour operartor in Pakistan from south to north to help you explore and experience the great hospitality, tours as per your wish. I am working since 2016,worked with tour companies as tour manager and guide. Buiding an attractive itinerary is my passion which you will never regret later. Care taking is part of my services as my own family. I gained alot of experience while working with thousands of Travelers/ Tourists/ Guest from several Countries like UK, Germany, USA, Italy, Singapore, Hungary, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Ukraine, Russia, Philippines and etc. Do not hesitate to ask if there will be any queries, travel packages, travel information, invitation letter for visa support to Pakistan, and etc related to Tourism in Pakistan. I will be more than happy to assist you. :)

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