Explore Nepal - Namche Bazar Trek

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 3 дня

Nepal is diverse country in adventure and expedition in mountains as it is the home of Himalayan Mountain Range-One of the World's highest mountain ranges. Well; Nepal has 8 eight thousander peaks out of 14 in the World including the World's 1st highest peak "Mt.Everest 8,849m" which make the destination more attractive and famous among the tourists around the Globe. Trek to Mt. Everest BC is one of the famous tour one can take in Nepal, if you are not going to make difficult, another option is to just make trekking trip to Namche Bazar with the elevation of 3300m. Overnight stays use to be in this administrative area but you will have a dat trek to Mt. Everest view point at the elavation of 3800m.

Well; we are focusing on trekking trip to Namche for now. Althpough i also arrange trekking trips to Mt.Everest Base Camp.



This trip will be of 10 days. Detailed itinerary will be shared upon your demand.


This tour will include everything like meals (3 times a day), accommodation through out the trip, domestic flight fares, all entrance fees/tickets.

International flight fares will not be inclucded in the package,


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