Adventure Trip To Nanga Parbat Peak-8126M Base Camp

Язык Английский, Urdu
Стоимость 1050 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Nanga Parbat is ranked 9th highest in The World with an elevation of 8126m, also called The Killer Mountain located in the Himalayan ranges of North Pakistan. There are three faces of Nanga Parbat peak namely Raikot Face, Chilas Face, and Astore Face. Raikot face is famously knowing among tourists although the other two faces are well known and beautiful to visit. Fairy meadows is reachable and must-visit spot in Raikot. We are offering a detailed, standard trip with high-quality services


Day 01 -

Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad, Pakistan to Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

Pickup from Islamabad International Airport or any other given venue by Client/Guest. Islamabad City Tour (Depends on Pickup Time)

Overnight stay in Islamabad.

Day 02 -

Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan to Shangrila Chilas Hotel, Chilās,

You will be moving towards Chilas by Motorway/ Karakorum highway. Set out from the hotel after breakfast at 7 am in the morning, breakfast in the way. Reach Chilas till 7-8 pm.

Day 03 -

Chilās, Chilās, to Fairy Meadows Cottages,

After breakfast at the hotel, you will be moving towards Fairy Meadows. Drive till Raikot Bridge on the same vehicle and take jeep 4*4 to Tattoo Valley (2 hrs). Trek to Fairy Meadows from Tattoo Valley (3-4 hrs). Overnight stay at Fairy Meadows.

Day 04 -

Fairy Meadows Cottages, to Beyal Camp, Pakistan

After breakfast at 7 am

Trek from Fairy Meadows to Beyal Camp

The View Point of Killer Mountain (Nanga Parbat -8126m)

Overnight Stay at Beyal Camp.

Day 05 -

Beyal Camp, Pakistan to Nanga Parbat Base Camp,

Breakfast at 8am in the morning at Cottage in Beyal Camp.

Trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Relax in the KIller Mountain's base camp for some time, take photographs, and Camping at Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Day 06 -

Nanga Parbat Base Camp, to Fairy Meadows Cottages,

Wake up and see the incredible view of Nanga Parbat Peak in the Morning. Prepare breakfast in the wild environment of Killer Peak. Back to Fairy Meadows.

Day 07 -

Fairy Meadows Cottages, to Chilās, Chilās,

Drive back to Raikot from Fairy meadows, Change the vehicle and ride to Chilas for an overnight stay. In the summers we will be driving to Naran/Kaghan.

Day 08 -

Chilās, Chilās, to Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

Drive back towards Islamabad from Chilas via Karakorum Highway or Naran Kaghan. Reach Islamabad till 10 pm night and transfer to Hotel for Overnight.


- Transport + Fuel

- Airport Transfers

- Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner

- Invitation Letter for Visa Support

- Licensed and Experienced Guide

- Any thing except the mentions above will be excluded.


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