Almaty lake

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 160 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Do you want to see one of the most famous natural landmarks of Kazakhstan? Then this tour is for you. In our guests' opinion it's a #1 must-see place in Almaty.

Duration: 3 hours. This tour can be morning or afternoon. And you can extend it with a Falcon hunting show or Cosmo station.

Route: Hotel - Big Almaty Lake – Girlish Tears Waterfall - President’s Park – Hotel

The meeting point: You hotel

During the tour you will:

- Walk among serpentine mineral rock formations and unspoiled nature in the forests of the Tien Shan mountains at the height of 2510m.

- Hear many stories by your guide about Almaty city and its history.

- See very long and old water pipes along the mountains slope, that was put in by the Japanese.

- Be amazed by the snowy peaks surrounding the lake, reaching a height of more than 4000 meters.

- Take amazing pictures in this unforgettable wonder of nature.


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