Excursion, half day visit of Rabat

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 часов

start exploring the city of Rabat. First visiting the infinished minaret of an uncompleted Mosque dating from 1195 (Hassan tower founded by Abou Youssef Yakoub al-Mansour. It was intended to be the the largest minaret in the world along with the Mosque. When al-Mansour died in 1199, constructions on the mosque stopped. The tower reached only 44 meters, about half of its intended 86 meters). 2nd: The modern mausoleum of Mohamed V, and Hassan II. 3rd: Visit of the medieval fortified Kasbah challah (after it was abandoned by the romans in 1150, it was reffered to us as a royal burial ground


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