Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Located in West Kilimanjaro, 'Olpopongi Maasai Cultural Village and Museum' is the first authentic Maasai Boma with museum and overnight facilities in Tanzania. Olpopongi provides a unique Maasai and wildlife experience in the Maasai land just 74km from Moshi. A great opportunity to experience the life and culture of Maasai in a respectful manor.

1 Day Maasai Village

Itinerary: 09:00 am leave Moshi and drive to West Kilimanjaro. Here you will spend the day in the authentic Maasai-village 'Olpopongi' and share the Maasai life with a traditional lunch. Your day can include Museum & Village tour

walking safari in the Maasai territory

Learning Maasai hunting techniques and about natural medicine. Mid to late afternoon drive back to Moshi (Approximate driving time of 1 hour from West Kilimanjaro till Moshi.)


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