Peter Kinyaiya - местный частный тур гид в стране Танзания

His name is Peter Kinyaiya, the local Tour Guide & Operator in Tanzania, born and raised on the slope of our Majestic Mount Kilimanjaro at 1400m.

He was a porter on Mt Kilimanjaro for more than 6 years before keeping some money and go back to college and trained to be a qualified tour guide. After working with other companies for 10 years, he decided to get into the field and run safaris and trekking tours himself. In 2014, Twende Africa Tours The company was found with his comrade porters all from the brotherhood. Their dream was to provide ordinary people with the life-changing opportunity to climb the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. By booking to them you support the life of local communities directly; they will take you there not to send you there!

We offer advanced Yoga Retreat Kilimanjaro Climbing, Wildlife Safari, Day Trips and Beach Holiday. It is our pleasure to welcome you to our country Tanzania, the country of Mt Kilimanjaro, the African highest point and the world’s highest free-standing mountain, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Zanzibar Island, etc.

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