Pikey peak treks

Язык Английский
Стоимость 700 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

Trip Highlights

Pikey Peak trek is famous trekking in the area of Lower Everest. It is the eastern part of Kathmandu and on the way of Everest Base camp treks, but this area is especially known as a Lower Solukhumbu region treks, too. It is one of the tallest” Hill” in the Solu which is 4060m high from sea level.

The name of the peak is derived from the Sherpa Clan deity. During the month of July, the locals hold different celebrations to worship their clan god. This peak offers a majestic view of the Everest. Mt.Makalu, Mt Dhaulagiri, Mt. Kanchenjunga, Mt. Gaurisankar, Mt Ama Dablam, Mt. Lhotse, and, Mt Numbur many more. Not only that it is the point from where people can feel the Nepal Geographic structure like the Himalayan region, Hilly region and Tarai region very clearly. So, this place is like a paradise.

Pikey Peak Trekking offers magnificent mountain views, breathtaking nature views and awesome Sherpa culture. Tourists can go there either by flight to Phaplu or by jeep. The treks offer once time culture and nature together. This trek is especially for the people who want to see Mt. Everest views from low land with a short time and explores the Sherpa culture and traditional Himalayan Buddhist teaching center. Moreover, Himalayan domestic Animals Yak, Nak, Jopkyo, etc. There are so many options for the Pikey peak treks. According to your vacation can do the treks either 5 days or more than it. We highly recommend the treks is for a week which can be very fruitful and Everest base camp trek from Salleri is to start from Pikey peak because it is just three extra days you need.


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