Fortuntelling Asian desiny for your 4 pillars saju

Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 час

Your Saju(4pillars) by Eastern philosophy, you can understand your natural born fate and potential. This experience is introductory. If you want to know more about your destiny, it's up to you!

: 00. Meet at the station

: 05. Go to the place (bring your beverage and snack)

: 10. Basic of oriental fatalism

: 15. Building your 4pillars(SAJU) by date of birth. (It means there's nothing for you to do. No need to choose card. This is the core concept of oriental fatalism!)

: 20. Explanation "Yes, this experience will be very unique and strange. I explain your destiny simply and easily. Because a life on earth is bummer."

Talking about your natural born personality and reason for having that, how to improve for good.

: 35. Find your Saju cards

: 40. Read your four saju cards

: 45. Wrap up

It become more understandable as time passes after it is over. Knowing about your natural personality is the first step to understanding yourself more deeply.

★ Meeting place : Bulgwang station exit2


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