GJ (Jee eun) Won - местный частный тур гид в стране Южная Корея

I want to give you a perfect score for deciding to travel to Korea. I expect that your trip to Korea is attractive enough to make you plan your next trip to Korea. I'm ready to help you travel to Seoul. It is a pleasure to visit the amazing places, beautiful places, and hidden gem-like places in Seoul. But I believe that having the experience with good locals is the biggest reason for making your trip a beautiful memory.

Most of my guests say about me, I'm energetic, funny, caring, and generous. The reason why I can continue to maintain this positive personality is that I don't make my living by tour guiding. That doesn't mean I have a rich family.

When we get used to inertia, our original intentions and sincerity disappear. I am ready to show you my sincerity, and I want to feel your sincerity, too.

Языки Английский, Корейский

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