Discover the best of Algiers

Язык Арабский, Английский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

The Casbah "The Citadelle" is where you are going to walk on the cobbled narrow streets and explore the complex houses, palaces, and mosques dating back to the Ottoman period.

We reach to one of the most preserved Ottoman mosques of the lower Casbah and the first great building many people see, the 17th-century Ketchaoua Mosque.

We make our way to the downtown just off the main road of Martyr's Square where you can see a large modern mosque in vivid yellow color and an ex-colonial church.

We head past the mosque of the Fishermen and walk along the Seafront facing the sea. It just reminds you instantly of the port of Marseille with colorful small vessels and you will also find a set of beautiful European buildings.

We continue up to the Downtown of Algiers past the grand French colonial whitewashed buildings and explore different districts of the town.

We walk past the most colossal building downtown, the Grand Poste office which is a fine example of French-designed, early 20th-century Moorish architecture.

Then we visit the botanical garden one of biggest old garden in Algiers with amazing view


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