Dubrovnik Panoramic Experience & Walking Tour

Язык Английский, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

I created this tour for everyone who wants to experience Dubrovnik a little bit differently. After seeing the view from Mount Srd so many times in my life, somehow, I can never get enough.

Me and the driver will pick you up at any location in Dubrovnik area to start with the panoramic portion of the tour including 3 stops. We’ll start with the view of port Gruz and continue with magical views from Mt. Srd that are far better than those seen from the cable car.

We will continue with the walking tour of the Old town and once we’re there I will show you all the highlights as well as the corners where I used to play hide and seek as a child. Dubrovnik means a lot to me and including all the highlights I also focus on off-beaten paths. My goal for this tour is to take you to the same places I would go as a local, which also means going to more secluded streets and finding memorable hidden gems.

Price includes:

~ Private transport in a modern air conditioned vehicle (pick up & drop off)

~ Private guide for 3 hours

*This price is for up to 7 people. You can contact me if you’re a group with over 7 people or if you would like me to customize this tour.


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