Kristina Babic - местный частный тур гид в стране Хорватия

Welcome or dobrodošli in Croatian! ♡ I can't wait for you to see Dubrovnik. To me, being a tour guide is more than just a job - it runs in my family. My mother and sister are tour guides as well and I believe it is what we are supposed to do. After my Master's Degree in Public relations, my goal is a PhD in Political Science. I started learning languages when I was 3 years old thanks to my mother and I’m excited that I get to perfect them every day through my job.

I have been doing this for a long time but I haven't lost the enthusiasm and when I'm going to work I always have a smile on my face because I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I am also a new guide on this website so I am looking forward to meeting all of you and make this a memorable experience for you!

I am very responsive and I am here for any of your questions.

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