3 castles in 1 day - full day private tour from Bucharest

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 280 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Pristine nature, winding roads and real stories of three castles and their eccentric owners. Middle ages to the 20th century history of Romania, from Teutonic knights to dramas of the Romanian Royals.

Starting off with a morning pick up at your hotel and drive through the countryside to Sinaia, summer residence of the Romanian kings, with me as your driver & guide. Outside and inside visit of the castle of Peles in the Carpathian mountains with me as your private guide.

Moving on to the eccentric Cantacuzino chateau and its amazing positioning. I will guide you inside and outside.

Depending on the timing (traffic, pace) we can opt between savoring lunch with a stunning view overlooking the Carpathians, at Cantacuzino or in the shade of the famous Bran castle, across the mountains.

Private visit of Bran castle and drive back to Bucharest.

Please keep in mind this a 12 hours day trip. The price includes driving & guiding services, Entrance fees to castles are not included, they can be payed on the spot.


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