Ambar Tamang - местный частный тур гид в стране Непал

I am Ambar Tamang from Solukhumbu, the lower region of Mt. Everest. My small village, called Lumsa, is situated off the main trekking route. I began my trekking career in 1994 as a cook's assistant. Over the years, I have diligently pursued various training programs, actively participated in numerous workshops, and attended seminars focusing on culture and sustainable tourism. Since 1994, I have been deeply involved in the field of tourism, specializing in outdoor trips, and specifically as a trekking guide since 1998. With over 25 years of invaluable experience and extensive knowledge in the mountain tourism industry in Nepal, I possess a comprehensive understanding of the business. Throughout my journey, I have trekked and explored the majority of Nepal's Himalayan Valleys, conquered three technically challenging mountain peaks, and excelled in uncovering off-the-beaten-track adventures. Currently, I reside in Kapan, near Boudha, Kathmandu, together with my wife and family. I possess an immense passion for photography and travel videography, which adds an extra dimension to my work.

I have taken the following Tourism training:

1. Wilderness First Aid training from KEEP (Kathmandu Environment Education Project)

2. Trekking Guide Training from Nepal Academy of Tourism & Hotel Management (NATHM)

3. Cook Training from Discovery Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

4. Conservation & Ecological Tourism Workshop in Pokhara from KEEP

5. Five days Leadership Course from KEEP.

6. He has served as an assistant instructor of wilderness first aid training at KEEP. 2009/2010

Successful Climbing Peaks:

1. Singu Chuli 6501m

2. Island Peak 6198m

3. Yala Peak 5732m

Please join with me for a most exciting and memorable journey to explore the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, breathtaking mountain valleys, awe-inspiring passes, the rich history of the country, captivating archaeology, the resilient mountain people, their unique and captivating culture, and their fascinating way of life together.…………

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