Paola De Luca - местный частный тур гид в стране Аргентина

I've been a tour guide since 2012. I'm passionate about showing every corner of my city and passing on everything I know about it. There are so many things to appreciate in Buenos Aires: museums, food, tango, notable cafés, specialized stores, architecture, history, and customs, let's discover it together.

I'm also a guided touring professor at San Martín National University and organize tours for local people to neighborhoods that are off the tourist circuit in the city. I am studying a master's degree in world history, and I have a Diploma in Buenos Aires History and Argentinian Culture. I really love Buenos Aires and I hope you do so….

I also have a car (Volkswagen Suran) so If you want we can move around in it.

I'm flexible and all my tours can be customized according to your own interest.

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