Menas Mwiga - местный частный тур гид в странах Танзания, Кения, Уганда

My name is Menas Mwiga. I am Tanzanian, born and raised in Kilimanjaro region. I have strong experience and great team of people that guarantees the highest quality of services and co-ordinations. As a Chief Guide my focus is on organizing tours with an ethical and professional approach to exceed tourist expectations. All our tours benefit the indigenous people i.e. hard-working local porters and guides by creating job opportunities in order to eradicate poverty. We utilize natural resources in a sustainable manner for the benefits of present and future generations. We are not the agency that rents guides. WE are the guides and we always take care of your satisfaction.

We Offer safaris including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro,Mount Meru, cultural tourism, wildlife adventure safaris, bike tours,beach holidays and Day Trips like Materuni Water Falls,Hot spring, Zanzibar Beaches!

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