Hassan Oubouni - местный частный тур гид в стране Марокко

My Name Is Hassan from Morocco working as tour guide and driver speak English,Spanish and Frensh I have My Tour agency in Marrakech I work With My team we Organise trips and Excursions throught the country Including cities and sahara desert tours, we are a family-owned business that specializes in organizing 4×4 routes through Morocco. With several years of experience, they have developed a deep understanding of the country, particularly the desert region of Erg Chebbi (Merzouga) and the picturesque of villages Overall, We offer a personalized and immersive travel experience in Morocco, allowing visitors to savor, enjoy, and discover the beauty of the country while embracing a different way of life. With their expertise, dedication, and range of services, they aim to make each trip an unforgettable journey.

Языки Английский, Французский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Марокканский дирхам (MAD)

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